Tuesday 1 May 2007

Day Two

Day two began with a little work on snap circuits. This involved the construction of building a Light Controlled Lamp.
The circuit to the left shows the bulb lighting as the photoresistor isn't blocked.

When the photoresistor is blocked the bulb turns off! This showed me that the resistance of the photoresistor decreases as the light increases.

Following that I went to work on a thorough experiment to measure acceleration due to gravity. For this, I used two metal spheres of differing sizes, and apparatus which allowed me to monitor how long it took for the spheres to hit the ground after being released in the air from a measured distance.

Later I used Microsoft Excel to display my results and plot them on a chart. As well as the distance the spheres were dropped from, I also measured the time it took for them to hit the ground three times, and got the average of each of these measurements. After a few calculations, my accuracy was confirmed when the answer I got for gravity proved very close to the correct figure of 9.8 m/s/s.