On my first day, I learned a little bit about circuits and a bit about managing and creating a blog site. As I couldn't arrive into the college until later than I expected, I didn't have that long a day. Firstly, I met the different people that I would be spending time with. I was then shown around the main Physics building and brought into various labs. For my last two hours, I did some work with Snap Circuits.
The first experiment that I set up was to create a Musical Doorbell which could be turned on and off with a switch.
My next experiment was a bit less basic and used quite a large circuit. The expreriment was to create a music and alarm combo. After turninig on the switch, the music and a siren could be heard together. By pressing the press switch, the siren changed to a fire engine sound. Also, covering the photoresistor would stop the music, while the siren would continue.
Another small circuit that I made was one to create a bomb sound. This was a simple circuit containing a switch, a speaker, a L.E.D. and a smaller integrated circuit. When the switch was turned on, a bomb sound was created and the L.E.D. lights flashed.
For the last part of the day, I learned a little bit about how to set up and manage a blog site, and also how to create my own blogs from the University website.