I arrived at the college this morning to try and get to grips with the huge campus. There were not alot of people around which was a perfect oppurtunity to have a little wander. After going around in circles for a while I met up with maria Quinn from the Physics Department. She took to my mentor for the week John Sweeney. He gave me a tour of the Department and showed me the different facilities around the college.We then went for a well deserved break to finish off the morning. He then took me to the Library where he gave me a "mini project" to do. I spent about an hour and a half wondering through all the books and making the notes needed for the project. Once I had finished that I went to lunch. In the afternoon i met up with John again. He gave a small robot to make which involved soldering and assembly of gears and other parts. This was alot of fun as i enjoy projects like this. Around four O' clock I headed home and wondered what was instore tomorrow............