In between lunch and the discussions, I got the opportunity to interview Prof. Peter Grunberg, the latest Physics Laureate (2007). In 1988 he discovered a physical effect known as Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR for short), probably unknown to most physicists, but an effect which is so important that its used in almost every electronic storage device in the world. It is for this reason we have the smaller hard drives, mp3 players and mobile phones that we take for granted so often.
Ever heard of a Bose Einstein condensate or the quantum Hall effect? Probably something you might have heard once or twice, but not at the front of your brain though. The Director of the Max-Planck Institutes here in Germany (there are 19 of them) and 1985 prize winner, Prof. Klaus von Klitzing gave a lecture about the quantum Hall effect and atom-thin sheets of carbon called graphene and rolled into a tube shape (now its called a nanotube), which he forsees being used as interconnects between layers in tiny circuits instead of conventional copper connections. 2 lectures involved the strange material known as a Bose Einstein condensate. Prof William Phillips (1997 winner, in the pic above) and Theodor Hanch (2005 winner) explained the workings of a BEC and what can be done with it (a BEC is a gas which is supercooled by a laser to about 200nK – its a different state of matter from the 3 we normally know where the atoms lose individuality!). An option with these BECs is to separate the atoms and place them onto an egg-box like surface (called a lattice), and not a mechanical normal lattice mind you, nope, that would be too easy, but a lattice made from interfering laser beams. So it represents an atom trap. Very interesting I hear you say. It represents a further step towards a “quantum computer,” which I won’t bore you about!
After a hard day it was time to relax with a few (>ahem<) pints at the get together organised at the conference centre (complete with cheesy German jazz band), followed by a 20 minute cycle home in total darkness around the lake.......lucky my German landlady wasn’t up! Tschuss! Anyone interested in watching the talks, you can watch them at
Or simply look up
Ever heard of a Bose Einstein condensate or the quantum Hall effect? Probably something you might have heard once or twice, but not at the front of your brain though. The Director of the Max-Planck Institutes here in Germany (there are 19 of them) and 1985 prize winner, Prof. Klaus von Klitzing gave a lecture about the quantum Hall effect and atom-thin sheets of carbon called graphene and rolled into a tube shape (now its called a nanotube), which he forsees being used as interconnects between layers in tiny circuits instead of conventional copper connections. 2 lectures involved the strange material known as a Bose Einstein condensate. Prof William Phillips (1997 winner, in the pic above) and Theodor Hanch (2005 winner) explained the workings of a BEC and what can be done with it (a BEC is a gas which is supercooled by a laser to about 200nK – its a different state of matter from the 3 we normally know where the atoms lose individuality!). An option with these BECs is to separate the atoms and place them onto an egg-box like surface (called a lattice), and not a mechanical normal lattice mind you, nope, that would be too easy, but a lattice made from interfering laser beams. So it represents an atom trap. Very interesting I hear you say. It represents a further step towards a “quantum computer,” which I won’t bore you about!
After a hard day it was time to relax with a few (>ahem<) pints at the get together organised at the conference centre (complete with cheesy German jazz band), followed by a 20 minute cycle home in total darkness around the lake.......lucky my German landlady wasn’t up! Tschuss! Anyone interested in watching the talks, you can watch them at
Or simply look up